
B)Gymnosperms require water for sperm to travel from the male gametophyte to the female gametophyte, while angiosperms do not rely on water for fertilization. Question 18. Upon fertilization, the resulting zygote develops within the gymnosperm seed and forms a new sporophyte. Swimming sperm (which requires water for dispersal) was replaced by dispersal of the whole male gametophyte (pollen) by wind or insects. Water is not needed for gymnosperm reproduction; pollination takes over and is transported by animals and wind. Why gymnosperms do not require water for fertilization ? | EduRev NEET Question is disucussed on EduRev Study Group by 140 NEET Students. Gymnosperms do not require water for fertilization because they produce pollen, an airborne delivery system for the male reproductive cells. Gymnosperms do not depend on external water for fertilization, and the male sperms or gametes are transferred across the wind for fertilization. Gymnosperms which is also referred to as Acrogymnospermae are a group of flowerless plants that produce seeds and cones. In conifers such as pines, the green leafy part of the plant is the sporophyte, and the cones contain the … Gymnosperms are primitive plants that produce seeds but not flowers or fruit. Do mosses need water to reproduce? Like mosses and ferns gymnosperm does not require water for swimming of sperms during fertilization. In cycads and ginkgoes, the flagellated sperm swim toward the egg for fertilization. Wind dispersed pollen doesn't need water for fertilization. c. Mosses and other bryophytes d. Ferns e. Seed producing plants only Both sperm cells are required for successful fertilization in angiosperms. This is fertilisation. A mature sporophyte makes spores, and the life cycle starts over again. The angiosperm vs gymnosperm difference comes down to how these plants reproduce. Pollination occurs by wind agents etc. Mosses rely on liquid water for fertilization, whereas gymnosperms do not need liquid water for fertilization. Answer: Angiosperms: V. Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTs) No, angiosperms do not require water for fertilization. now in gymnosperms , the male sperms are whipless and fertilisation occurs with help of pollen tube. Megaspores made in cones develop into the female gametophytes inside the ovules of gymnosperms, while pollen grains develop from cones that produce microspores. They bear pollens that can be carried by wind or insects. Gymnosperm Reproduction The movement of pollen to ovule in seed plants relies on airborne transport, not water transport. Their seeds are protected. • Wind-dispersed pollen doesn't need water for fertilization • The seed protects the embryo from drying out • The seed gives nutrients to the embryo, which helps early plant growth. Pollen is the male gametophyte. Mosses are primarily diploid in their adult form, whereas gymnosperms are primarily haploid. After why? No- because the sperm don't need to swim to the egg (they are pollen enclosed) 4 phyla of gymnosperms Gymnosperms are seed plants and they differ from seedless plants in not requiring water for sperm to swim in to reach the egg. transfer of pollen from male cones (which produce pollen) to female cones, which house the egg do gymnosperms need water for reproduction? In addition , gymnosperms produce proper male and female cones, while angiosperms do not produce any type of cones. Angiosperms don't need water for fertilization, because the pollen fertilizes the eggs by staying inside the cone scales, TabulaRasa TabulaRasa Answer: The answer is c) a pollen tube grows from the pollen grain into the ovary. The droplet provides a large, sticky surface that catches the normally wind-borne pollen grains of gymnosperms so that the ovule is more likely to be fertilized. Water is the most abundant molecule in a sexual fluid, and is important to both fertilization and to pollination in gymnosperms. Pollen allows angiosperms and gymnosperms to reproduce away from water, unlike mosses and ferns which require water for sperm to swim to the female gametophyte. Dis is beacause of the fact that the male sperms hv some sort of whip like flagella and can reach female ovules only by swimming  in  presence of water. Mosses produce flowers in order to reproduce, whereas gymnosperms produce cones. The pollen grains (microsporophytes) have wing like appendages that allow them to be carried by the wind, so water is not needed only wind! document.write('This conversation is already closed by Expert'); It is because the leaves of plant may be having enough water which they do not require for fertilization or the water stored in it will not be evaporated easiliy. What types of plants require water for fertilization? Why do gymnosperms do not need water for fertilization? Ltd. All rights reserved. So, the processes of pollination and fertilisation in both angiosperms and gymnosperms involve the germination of the pollen tube in pollination and the fusion of the gametes in fertilization. B) Mosses and ferns have much larger seeds than do angiosperms and gymnosperms. Like mosses and ferns gymnosperm does not require water for swimming of sperms during fertilization. View this answer. Apr 02,2021 - Cycads and Ginkgo are regarded as primitive gymnosperms because -a)They are lacking conesb)They need water for fertilizationc)They are living fossilsd)They have aliated spermsCorrect answer is option 'D'. All plants require water for fertilization. Same is case with pteridophyta. Can you explain this answer? Explanation: I got it correct on the quiz. The Embryo Sac: The Female Gametophyte While the details may vary between species, the general development of the female gametophyte, or embryo sac , has two distinct phases. All require external water. gymnosperms involves a pollination droplet that protrudes from the micropylewhen pollen grains are being shed. Ltd. All rights reserved. Pollen tube helps in fertilization, so water is not essential for fertilization. Mosses produce flowers in order to reproduce, whereas gymnosperms produce cones. Copyright © 2021 Aakash EduTech Pvt. The endosperm is triploid. Which types of plants require water for fertilization (because their sperm swim to the egg)? (B) development of pollen grains (partially developed male gametophytes) has freed even these from the need for liquid water for fertilization. Why gymnosperm do not require water for fertilization? They bear pollens that can be carried by wind or insects. Gymnosperms are seed plants and they differ from seedless plants in not requiring water for sperm to swim in to reach the egg. Mosses are primarily diploid in their adult form, whereas gymnosperms are primarily haploid. C) Mosses and ferns use wind pollination, whereas angiosperms and gymnosperms use insects for pollination. It consists of microsporophylls. Angiosperms are broadly classified into two classes namely Dicotyledons and Monocotyledons. Since sperm no longer need water to fertilize the egg, plants with pollen can reproduce at more times during the … Both sperm cells are required for successful fertilization in angiosperms. This conversation is already closed by Expert Was this answer helpful? Gymnosperms have naked seeds so they do not grow fruit. Pollen allows angiosperms and gymnosperms to reproduce away from water, unlike mosses and ferns which require water for sperm to swim to the female gametophyte. Eventually, gymnosperm groups evolved for which this fluid requirement was bypassed. Identify the structures involved in reproduction of gymnosperms As with angiosperms, the lifecycle of a gymnosperm is also characterized by alternation of generations. Angiosperms do not need water for fertilization because they rely on other mechanisms for sperm transport. The movement of pollen to ovule in seed plants relies on airborne transport, not water transport. The male plant bears a cone at the apex of the stem. Gymnosperms produce both male and female cones, each making the gametes needed for fertilization; this makes them heterosporous. To get more details about Gymnosperms, Types of Gymnosperms, Importance of Gymnosperms, Features of Gymnosperms, and Characteristics of Gymnosperms at Q 1) Gymnosperms were the first seed plants. This means ferns can only successfully reproduce in wet places, or after a rain. In both cases, the resulting fused gametes creates … Pollen allows angiosperms and gymnosperms to reproduce away from water, unlike mosses and ferns which require water for sperm to swim to the female gametophyte. Mosses rely on liquid water for fertilization, whereas gymnosperms do not need liquid water for fertilization. New questions in Biology. document.write('This conversation is already closed by Expert'); as they have well developed vascular tissue for conduction of nutrients and water while bryophytes and thallophytes do not have.therefore they do not need water for fertilisation. After fertilization, the sporophyte grows up on top of the gametophyte. The term gymnosperm literally translates to naked seed as they are flowerless. … The seed protects the embryo from drying out. Angiosperm seeds are made in flowers and mature into fruit. Angiosperms and gymnosperms are vascular land plants that reproduce by seeds. However, this water is mainly a solvent for compounds that influence microgametophyte-ovule interactions. v all knw dat bryophytes require water for fertilisation of male and female gametes. A) Mosses and ferns rely on liquid water for fertilization, whereas angiosperms and gymnosperms do not need liquid water for fertilization. In order to swim, they need water. Click to see full answer. The pollen grains contact the stigma of the flower and travel down the style to the ovary... See full answer below. a. Mosses and Ferns b. Distinguish between Dicotyledons and Monocotyledons. Pollen allows angiosperms and gymnosperms to reproduce away from water, unlike mosses and ferns which require water for sperm to swim to the female gametophyte. Unlike the mosses and other non-vascular... See full answer below. Copyright © 2021 Aakash EduTech Pvt. Sperm have flagella, which are whip-like tails that allow them to swim. C)In gymnosperms, male gametophytes and female gametophytes are produced in different structures, while in angiosperms they are usually produced in the same structure. Also to know is, which plant group does not require water for fertilization? Double fertilization is present.

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