
An agreement under clause 28.5 can be made by an exchange of emails between the employee and employer,or by other electronic means. (c) Casino equipment technician grade 3 (wage level 4) means an employee appointed as such who has the appropriate level of training and who without supervision applies technical knowledge and skills to the tasks of installing,repairing,maintaining,servicing,modifying,commissioning,testing,fault finding and diagnosing various forms of video and other electronically or mechanically-controlled gaming equipment. when they need to be taken. (b) However,a direction by the employer under clause 30.7(a): (i) is of no effect if it would result at any time in the employee’s remaining accrued entitlement to paid annual leave being less than 6 weeks when any other paid annual leave arrangements (whether made under clause 30.6,30.7 or 30.8 or otherwise agreed by the employer and employee) are taken into account;and, (ii) must not require the employee to take any period of paid annual leave of less than one week;and, (iii) must not require the employee to take a period of paid annual leave beginning less than 8 weeks,or more than 12 months,after the direction is given;and. A meal break is a longer period of uninterrupted rest that allows the employee to eat a meal. (c) Gardener grade 1 (wage level 2) means an employee primarily engaged in the following activities: ●trimming or mowing surrounds or similar areas with hand implements; ●assisting in course or green maintenance and construction; ●operating a limited range of vehicles,including motor vehicles; ●performing non-trade tasks incidental to the employee’s work. Rest breaks are also referred to as 'crib breaks', 'rest pauses' or 'tea breaks'. Unpaid family and domestic violence leave, 36. E.10.3 The minimum amount payable to the employee during the trial period must be no less than $89 per week. (b) If an employee has an excessive leave accrual,the employer or the employee may seek to confer with the other and genuinely try to reach agreement on how to reduce or eliminate the excessive leave accrual. (a) Doorperson/security officer grade 1 (wage level 2) means a person who assists in the maintenance of dress standards and good order at an establishment. See clause 30.7(b)(i). See also Part 4—Wages and Allowances and Part 5—Overtime and Penalty Rates. (c) any other matters likely to affect employees. MAY 15, 2021 THE IV INTERNATIONAL HOSPITALITY CONFERENCE will take place in Kyiv, at InterContinental Hotel !. (b) Each cashing out of a particular amount of paid annual leave must be the subject of a separate agreement under clause 30.10(c). 37.3 Deductions for employees under 18 years of age. D.7 School-based apprentices progress through the relevant wage scale at the rate of 12 months’progression for each 2 years of employment as an apprentice or at the rate of competency-based progression if provided for in this award. 11.2 An employer must pay a casual employee for each hour worked a loading of 25% in addition to the ordinary hourly rate. (f) Clause 29.4(g) applies to a full-time or part-time employee who is required to work on Christmas Day when it falls on a weekend and is not a public holiday. If a part-time employee has regularly worked a number of ordinary hours in excess of their guaranteed hours for at least 12 months,then they may request in writing that the employer agree to increase their guaranteed hours. (c) The arrangement agreed must adopt one of the options mentioned in clause 15.1(b) and must satisfy the following conditions: (i) the minimum number of ordinary hours that may be worked on any day is 6 (excluding meal breaks);and, (ii) the maximum number of ordinary hours that may be worked on any day is 11.5 (excluding meal breaks);and, (iii) an employee who is rostered to work more than 10 ordinary hours on more than 3 consecutive days is entitled to a break of at least 48 hours after the last consecutive day on which the employee works more than 10 ordinary hours;and, (iv) the maximum number of days on which an employee may work more than 10 ordinary hours in a 4 week cycle is 8;and, (v) the maximum spread of hours for an employee who works split shifts is 12;and. On attainment of 75% of the total competencies specified in the training plan for the relevant AQF Certificate III qualification;or 12 months after commencing Stage 3,whichever is the earlier. ordinary hourly rate means the minimum hourly rate for an employee plus any all-purpose allowances to which the employee is entitled. (ii) if an employer rosters an employee to work on more than 20 days in a 4 week period,the employer must pay the employee at the overtime rate for each day worked in excess of 20 in that period.

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