
It will make your garden appear colorful and, at the same time, keep rabbits off your vegetables. Clip the netting to the top of the fence to hold it in place, using removable plastic plant clips. Garden Fencing: Keep Rabbits, Squirrels and Other Animals Away If you’re a gardener, one continuing problem is the intrusion of animals into your growing area. Squirrels, rabbits, and other rodents can wreak havoc in your gardens and pillage the delicious veggies and beautiful flowers that you’ve worked so hard to grow. They keep the animals out without constant maintenance. I am trying to surround the troughs and some planters which seem to be of particular interest to those squirrels. Two years ago, I decided to use bird netting to try to keep the squirrels out of the garden. To protect larger plants, use chicken wire to form a cylinder large enough to prevent animals from reaching the foliage. I put the netting around the trough and tucked it underneath. Use plants that repel rabbits in your garden. Plants that keep rabbits away. A few weeks ago, my 10 yr old daughter found a family of rabbits living in our field. Pick your plants wisely. Red Hot Poker; This wonder plant stands out like a torchlight. Since its only a matter of time before they find their way into my garden and yard, I need to keep them out. Rabbits love to munch on everything from broccoli and beans to pansies and petunias.Even bushes and trees such as forsythia and flowering crabapple are fair game to these fluffy-tailed herbivores. I’ve done a little research and found several ways to keep rabbits out of a garden and yard. To keep rabbits (and their rodent pals, such as squirrels and groundhogs) from cleaning out your flower or vegetable garden, you need to have a plan. For young or small plants, you can lay chicken wire directly over plants to keep rabbits from reaching tender leaves. Here are some plants that deter rabbits. Lay nylon bird netting over the top of the wire fencing to create a roof to keep out tree squirrels. In addition to sprinkling hair in your garden, you can tie cheesecloth or nylon bags filled with unwashed hair onto posts or branches near your garden to deter animals. It has a very strong odor that rabbits despise, especially when they are in full bloom. This is the most effective method for keeping rabbits out of the garden. Figuring out how to keep squirrels out of vegetable garden doesn’t require a PhD in animal science. Fences are the best option to keep rabbits out of a garden. I love rabbits, squirrels, birds and other wildlife, God’s creatures. We’ve got some tips to keep those dastardly creatures out of your garden without harming them or killing your beloved plants! Just as with human urine, human hair can serve as a deterrent to animals, especially snails, rodents, rabbits and deer. Rabbits love young, fresh, delicate veggies, but they don’t care much for strong scented herbs and flowers. Plant a few of them around the garden to keep the bunnies out. It blooms in bright blue, pink, or white in early spring. 3. Other deterrents are designed … Squirrels and other wildlife can create all kinds of damage to your garden. Create A Clever Distraction Dogs and … There is no better or more economical way to keep rabbits out of the garden than good chicken wire, or wire mesh perimeter fence, bottom bent outward and sunk to a depth of at least 6″ under the soil, and at a height of about 3 feet. If you have a garden, you’ve probably had to deal with squirrels, rabbits, and other critters feasting on your plants and massacring your soon-to-be-harvested crops. But aside from occasionally nibbling on your nasturtiums, the varmints don't do any real damage, according to Mike McGrath, host of the nationally syndicated radio program You Bet Your Garden… Here’s how to keep them out of the garden and away from your yard.

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