
They are also present at the base of leaves, e.g., Pinus. They are present in some stem of plants. Ginkgoales: More on Morphology. Microphyllous: The sporophytes with small and scale like leaves are called microphyllous. eusporangiate; microphyllous leaves in Tmesipteris or enations (poorly defined leaves, possibly highly-reduced lateral stems) in Psilotum; sporangia 2-3 chambered, subtended by forked sporophylls (spore bearing leaves); true roots lacking (anchored by stems); usually epiphytic, and often with By the activity of this meristem, length of leaves increases. 7.1 A) e.g., Lycopodium, Selaginella, Isoetes. Data on Leaf spectra in the area showed that Microphyllous (88 spp., 34.92%) species were dominant followed by Leptophyllous (74 spp., 29.36%) and Nanophyllous (60 spp., 23.80%). Megaphyllous: The sporophyte with large and prominent leaves is megaphyllous. They are often deeply grooved in the middle of the leaf, producing two distinct lobes, hence the name Ginkgo biloba (two lobes). They may be present either at the base of internode (e.g., grasses, bamboo and Equisetum etc. Generally each leaf, or microphyll, is narrow and has an unbranched midvein, in contrast to the leaves of the ferns and seed plants, which generally have branched venation. The ginkgo has distinct leaves. The extent of the division between the two lobes is variable among the leaves, as you can see below. In Lycopsida, the sporophyte is differentiated into stem, roots and leaves.The leaves are microphyllous and with a single vein. The leaf-gaps are always absent, sporophylls produce a single sporangium on the adaxial side near its base. Microphyllous (found in ephedra) and megaphyllous (found in cycads and pines) are the two types of leaves found in gymnosperms. Gymnosperms have large and well-developed leaves. The stem of gymnosperms is woody. The fan shaped leaves of Ginkgo are flat and irregularly notched. Common characteristics supporting the idea that the first land plants were related to green algae include _____ presencce of chlorophyll and cell walls made of cellulose. The free-living sporophytic plant body is basically dichotomously branching, consisting of a rhizome with adventitious roots, and an aerial portion with numerous, closely spaced, mostly spirally disposed microphyllous leaves, each with a single vascular trace. (Fig. upper Siegenian), Yunnan Province, southern China and placed in the new taxon Halleophyton zhichangense gen. Spores: Spores are produced in sporangia. The independent origin and evolution of leaves as small, simple microphylls or larger, more complex megaphylls in plants has shaped and influenced the natural composition of the environment. (b) Megaphylls or Megaphyllous Leaves: The vascular strands or steles may be protostelic, siphonostele or polystelic. ), or at the base of node, (e.g., Mint). Roots help in absorbing the nutrients from the soil. The sporangia (spore cases) occur singly on the adaxial side (the upper side facing the stem) of the leaf . Two types of leaves are found in pterido­phytes: (a) Microphylls or Microphyllous Leaves: The leaves are simple with a single unbranched mid-vein; the leaf trace is not associated with any leaf gap. Significant contributions have come from megaphyllous leaves, characterized usually as flat, thin lamina entrenched with photosynthetic organelles and stomata, which serve as the basis of … Sporangia are borne on the leaves or in their axils. Sterile and fertile shoots of a microphyllous vascular plant are described from the Lower Devonian Posongchong For- mation (? Lycopodiopsida is a class of herbaceous vascular plants known as lycopods, lycophytes or other terms including the component lyco-.Members of the class are called clubmosses, firmosses and quillworts.They have dichotomously branching stems bearing simple leaves called microphylls and reproduce by means of spores borne in sporangia on the sides of the stems at the bases of the leaves. They contain both simple and compound leaves. Colonization of land by plants occurred during the Paleozoic era about _________ years ago. ii.

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