
Integrative and holistic veterinarians have found that the properties that make oregano oil an appealing treatment for humans—including its antimicrobial and immune supportive properties—can potentially make oregano oil a compelling part of a treatment course for dogs. You can determine this by reading the label closely. Table of Contents. Make sure you always wash your hands well after handling a bottle of oregano oil, since the undiluted oil can be harsh on the skin. Even though oregano oil is a multipurpose essential oil, it’s always best to introduce it to your pet slowly and with proper precautions. These diluted oils of oregano are not the same as pure oregano oil. Essential oils are natural chemical components of plants that are extracted through distillation. Finally, I discovered a way to heal this urinary tract condition rather than treating the symptoms. Perfume quality or oils that are labelled only for aromatherapy can cause more harm than good if they are used topically, because they are distilled using solvents or are mixed with chemical fragrances and/or other oils. Is Oregano Oil Safe for Dogs? Keep in mind that I am not a vet, and you should always make sure you consult with your veterinarian before using any kind of essential oil on your dog. For Urinary Tract Infections it is suggested to take: In addition, it helps relieve pain caused by inflammation of the bladder and even dissolves some urinary crystals. For example, it takes nearly one hundred pounds of lavender plants to produce one pound of Lavandula angustifolia essential oil. Another phenol constituent, thymol, boosts the immune system. Ask yourself the following questions: In addition to any individual research, pet parents should always work directly with their trusted veterinarian to determine if a specific product or treatment is right for their dog. “The oregano herb and the essential oil have health supporting properties, including antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, anti-parasitic, anti-inflammatory, and immune-supportive,” says integrative veterinarian Dr. Jodie Gruenstern, who is based in Arizona. Essential oils are very concentrated and potent extracts. I made a mixture of 1 tablespoon of olive oil, 5 drops Thieves, 5 drops of Oregano. 2.1 Oregano oil can be used to help with all sorts of bacterial, fungal, and viral conditions. In fact, it believed to be more effective than carbolic acid, a sterilization product used in hospitals. Effective oregano oil should contain 60-75% carvacrol. The discomfort and irritation of a urinary tract infection is very uncomfortable and painful for your dog.If you’ve ever had one yourself, then you know how uncomfortable these infections are. How to administer: Be sure that you are using oil of oregano and not the herb itself. Salmon Oil For Dogs – Benefits, Dosage, Safety, and Dangers. It is a recommendation regardless of the administration technique. Definitely! Oil of oregano and UTI infections Wild oregano oil with a high content of carvacrol which has been shown to eradicate Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteria in a laboratory setting but this study did not address its usage in bacterial infections of the urinary tract or include patient trials. Human usage of essential oils is growing in popularity, so it’s not a surprise that people have been trying to use them on their canine companions as well, as natural alternatives to many physical ailments. Rub over your bladder twice a day. Oregano oil is prepared through a complex process where the leaves and flowers of the plant are air dried, and the oils are extracted and concentrated through steam distillation. “Instead, you should dilute it further with a fatty carrier oil. Or people simply are NOT using them correctly!”. I’ve used oregano oil for many years for bladder infection, it works great. Some say it can help to clear up a urinary tract disease, gastrointestinal tract inflammation, diarrhea, wounds, abscess and boils. “Any essential oil that contacts the [ear drum] can cause excruciating pain,” says Dr. Gruenstern. These compounds also act as free radical scavengers A. Always consult with your veterinarian first. Never apply this oil directly on their face, eyes, nose, or genital regions. It is antifungal, antiviral, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, and it can cure several kinds of infections besides supporting your dog’s overall health. Oregano oil has a wide list of benefits, not only for humans, but for dogs as well. “There are some commercial preparations labeled to be applied inside the ear canal that contain essential oils such as oregano oil, but these are heavily diluted with carrier oils. When using oregano oil diffused, it can help purify the air of your home and can help soothe your dog’s kennel cough, or other respiratory problems. Carvacrol and thymol—oregano oil’s two most powerful compounds—hold the keys to its potential medicinal benefits. Beyond ear issues, other oral applications require oregano oil to be diluted prior to administration. Its application depends on its intended use, and all applications should be undertaken with extreme care and in coordination with a trained veterinarian to ensure your pet’s safety. Sick, frail, older, or pregnant dogs have special considerations, just as in humans. Flaxseed Oil For Dogs – Benefits, Risks, Dosage, and Safety, Four Hallmarks of Healthy Dog Food and Four Traits that Kill Quality, 3 Great Raw Dog Food Ideas and Tips to Make Sure You Get it Right, Anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antifungal, antibacterial, antiviral, antioxidant, Anti-parasitic, able to eliminate worms, amoebas, protozoan and Giardia, Can neutralize some insect bites such as bee stings and other venomous bites till proper medical attention can be found, Comforts coughs and other respiratory conditions, Helps digestive problems, including intestinal gas, Inhibits growth of staphylococcus bacteria, Helps arthritis thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties, “For smaller animals like cats and small dogs, use 3–5 drops. Due to the lack of research on the effect of essential oils, the benefits of oregano oil in treating UTI has been mostly anecdotal. Oregano oil can be given to dogs externally, internally, or through diffusion. Water will make it worse!”. The isomeric phenols (primarily carvacrol) in oregano oil in dilutions as low as 1/50,000 destroys Candida albicans, the Aspergillus mold, Staphylococcus, Campylobacter, Klebsiella, E.coli, Giardia, Pseudomonas, and Proteus. If you make sure you follow proper dosage instructions, then you and your dog should benefit greatly from the use of oregano oil. Working with a veterinarian and understanding the different forms that oregano oil may be found in is crucial to ensuring the product is used safely and properly on your dog. Oregano oil can be used both internally and externally. In humans, oregano oil has begun to be widely studied for its potential health benefits. ; 1.2 Here are just a few studies which show carvacrol’s antibacterial capabilities:; 2 Oregano Oil Uses. Yes, the same oregano that is used for cooking harbors many and more benefits, not only in its natural form, but as an essential oil as well. I made a mixture of 1 tablespoon of olive oil, 5 drops Thieves, 5 drops of Oregano. You also have to keep in mind that proper dosage and administration of any essential oil is of utmost importance. She had such urgency that she was squatting to urinate every few minutes. While oregano oil for dogs has proven successful at treating canine illnesses caused by bacteria and fungi, it has also worked to combat certain parasites and … » Topical Application: Combine one drop of peppermint essential oil, one drop of juniper berry oil and one drop of oregano oil in 1 tbsp of coconut oil. The bacteria strains used in the study resisted other treatments, which means oregano oil may also kill antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Dogs though, usually don’t like the smell of oregano oil so most people have reported more success with adding a diluted amount of oregano oil (in a carrier oil like coconut) in a gel capsule. Using oregano oil on pregnant dogs is not recommended. Any other kind will not have the beneficial properties you seek. You need to make sure you have purchased a pure, high quality oil. However, oregano oil is very strong and can be irritating, so it must be diluted in a carrier oil when using on the skin. Just take about 5 drops every 4 hours. » Foot Blend: Add 10 drops clove oil, 10 drops myrrh oil and 5 drops oregano oil to a 10 ml roller bottle. Oregano Oil. To this end, she advises pet parents to spend time investigating the manufacturer and the company behind the product. First thing’s first: If you think you have a Urinary Tract Infection but have never been diagnosed in the past, you need to be seen by a doctor. Excessive scratching, sniffing, nervousness or whining are all signs to watch for. The URINARY DISORDERS remedy is the perfect tool to treat urinary tract infections in our canine companions. Another great use of oregano oil for dogs is that it can be a good supplement for reducing arthritis in dogs (this condition is quite common) Common uses of oregano oil for dogs may include: Treating allergies; Get rid of ear infections; Seizures; Neoplasia; Oregano oil benefits. And pet parents should work with a veterinarian who knows the space well to make an informed decision. They will also always have the scientific name on the bottle. Clove Oil The quality of the oil must also be considered before purchasing because a low grade oregano oil is more likely to cause harm than benefits. But ear issues can be complex, and so these applications should always be taken on in coordination with a veterinary professional. Unless otherwise indicated on the product label, dilution is unnecessary.”. For eleven years of my adult life, I was on and off antibiotic medicines my doctors subscribed to me. It can also be applied topically. Dangers or side effects: Avoid oil of oregano for dogs who experience seizures. Recent studies sow carvacrol to be a powerful antibacterial agent, while thymol is a natural antifungal believed to also help support the immune system. A common acceptable dilution is 25% of the adult human formula. Its status as a “hot” oil, however, means it has the potential to burn if it isn’t diluted and applied properly. Ryan Karpusiewicz is a Long Island-based writer with a passion for animals and their health and wellbeing. Oregano oil is a great replacement for commercial antifungal, antibacterial, or antiviral treatments. She had such urgency that she was squatting to urinate every few minutes. If your dog has a history of UTIs or bladder problems one of the best ways to stop future infections is to give them a maintenance dose of Pet D-Mannose every day. The general dilution guideline is one part oregano essential oil to four parts fatty carrier oil, to make what’s termed oil of oregano. Since oregano oil is considered a “hot” oil it can cause skin irritation if too much is applied directly on the skin. ... was getting recurring UTI's every couple months and I was tired of going to the vet and spending tons of money on antibiotics so I looked for alternatives. Integrative veterinarians like Dr. Gruenstern and Dr. Roark have also used oregano oil in the treatment of a variety of ear conditions. Keep in mind that you should only use it when necessary and not as a part of a daily supplement routine. Basil is a safe herb for pets. Do not use any oils on medium-large breed puppies under 8 weeks, and small or toy breeds under 10 weeks. Oregano oil, when applied and diluted properly, can be safe for dogs. EO’s should not be oily or leave a greasy residue. And it wasn’t until the late 19th century that veterinary medicine turned from treating animals herbally to using conventional pharmaceuticals.”. Do not administer the same dose to them as you would to a healthy animal of the same size. Oil of oregano has also been used for giardia. Last but not least, oregano oil can help to keep a canine’s coat (and skin) looking healthy. 1 How Does Oregano Oil Work as a Natural Antibiotic?. Oregano Oil for Bladder Infections. Pour two or three drops of the diluted oregano oil mixed with their food for treating infections and stomach ailments, including diarrhea, giardia, UTI’s, kennel cough, etc. Never treat your dog with undiluted essential oils. It has a very strong flavour due to its potency so is best followed with a further drink to prevent burning to the throat/mouth. Oil of oregano and UTI infections Wild oregano oil with a high content of carvacrol which has been shown to eradicate Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteria in a laboratory setting but this study did not address its usage in bacterial infections of the urinary tract or include patient trials. Other Herbs For Dogs. The manufacturer of essential oils Young Living tells us that the animal’s size affects the amount of oil you should use on them. Undiluted oregano oil, a preparation sometimes referred to as “neat,” or oregano oil diluted in a fatty oil carrier may be used in these instances, with very small amounts applied to the growths being targeted. Oregano oil is no exception. Because of this, many producers will dilute essential oils with other carrier oils or even add artificial fragrances to create a greater production. The anti-fungal, antiviral and antibacterial properties will reduce bacteria and viruses. And if irritation does occur, avoid using water to try and remedy the irritation. Dogs cannot tell you what is or is not working. Oregano oil, as any other essential oil, should be kept away from heat and the sun. Oregano oil’s apparent versatility has led to its use against a wide range of targeted ailments, including difficult skin conditions, ear issues, and skin irritations and growths like skin tags and warts. When treating skins that are fungal infected, ensure that the drop of oregano oil is diluted with a teaspoon of the carrier oil, especially olive oil. It’s been known to induce menstruation in pregnant women. Skin issues, like warts or growths, will require a topical treatment. To use it, you need to dilute 2 or 3 drops in another carrier oil like olive oil. This way, not only will you ensure that no negative side effects occur on your pet, but your will be helping your dog lead a more balanced, happy, healthy, and natural lifestyle. “Just because an oil is labeled organic does not mean it is safe for pets. But does oregano oil for dogs offer benefits to our canine companions, too? She is a large dog weighing 70 lbs so I could have probably used it "neat" but Oregano is a hot oil and paws can be sensitive. The characteristic, very warm smell and slightly bitter, pungent flavor are due to the essential oil which has been renowned for its potent antiseptic properties. Whether you’re using it internally or externally, you should always purchase oregano oil in its purest form to guarantee that your pet will receive all the great properties this oil has. Make sure you consult with your veterinarian as well before using any essential oil with your dog. Be sure to dilute 80–90 percent prior to application (for example, for every 1 drop of oil, use 4–5 drops of a diluting agent, such as V-6, For larger animals, like large dogs, start with 3–5 drops. Is the brand you’re choosing transparent? As such, you must closely watch their reactions. , but always with proper dilution and guidance from your vet. Perhaps the most promising potential for this plant is its antimicrobial … Here are some ways you can use oregano oil on your dogs: Choosing the right essential oil is important because not all of them are created the same. Pet parents should always use care when using essential oils, products containing essential oils, and essential oil diffusers in their homes. Nowadays, there is an escalating trend to seek natural treatments for our pet’s health. Pure therapeutic grade oregano oil will be steam distilled and will be guaranteed to not contain any toxic chemicals. They provide the following guidelines: Natural News also provides the following recommendations to take in considerations before using peppermint oil on your pets: Also remember to always wash your hands after handling essential oils to prevent them from accidentally getting in contact with your eyes or mouth. “Oils, herbs, and plants have been used for thousands of years with animals all over the world, and parallels its history in human medicine and therapy,” says Dr. Janet Roark, a veterinarian based in Austin, Texas. Depending on the size of your dog, adding a drop or two of oil of oregano in your dog’s food may provide defence against bacterial, viral and fungal infections, candida, water-borne illnesses and as a de-wormer. While navigating the world of essential oils for dogs can be dizzying, Gruenstern provides some guidance for pet parents as they research oregano oil for dogs. Oregano is a “hot” oil and may cause a reddening of the skin or may produce a burning or stinging of the skin. Absolutely! While some websites say that they use the pure oil mixed in their food, it’s best to start with a diluted amount and then work your way up to a stronger dosage only if necessary, and under the guidance of your vet. “It’s important to always have a veterinarian examine a dog’s ear prior to administering any product to make sure the eardrum is intact and that the skin inside is not too damaged.”. Oregano is also a topical application for skin rashes and wounds. Tea Tree Oil and its efficacy in the treatment of various kinds of infection doesn’t need a separate introduction. Introduce this oil slowly to your pet to make sure it is compatible with it without producing any side effects. It’s suitable for all animals (dogs, cats, rabbits, horses, etc.) Oregano oil can also be used to help treat a variety of conditions for your dogs, including arthritis. “There are lots of vets with tons of experience using these products, whereas others are less familiar.”. “Oregano and rosemary are common in many foods and treats,” adds Dr. Roark. Its antimicrobial and immune-supportive properties have given this essential oil a variety of potential uses for humans. Peppermint Oil For Dogs – Flea Repellent, Safety, and Benefits! It’s best if you consult your veterinarian to best address any problem your pregnant dog may have and find another natural treatment for her. The blog Experience-Essential-Oils tells us the following: “Most of the problems associated with essential oils whether they are for human or animal use, stem from the fact that people are using perfume grade oils for therapeutic use. 1.1 Oregano oil’s main active ingredients are believed to be thymol and carvacrol. Oil of oregano has also been used for giardia. You can try putting weakened oil of oregano in tea, or simply mix it in with your dog’s food. Neem Oil For Dogs – Shampoos, Safety, and Benefits! Access our library of professional veterinarian resources. This makes it a perfect remedy for urinary tract infections in dogs. There is a high recommendation that if the Oregano oil is to be used in treating or protecting a pet dog, it has to get diluted. Oregano oil has also been found in treats and other products on the market as a natural preservative that supports digestive health. Some preliminary studies() have indicated that the use of essential oils plays a significant role in treating UTI.Further research is needed to know more about it, though. Make sure to consult with your veterinarian before using any kind of essential oil on your pet. It’s a demulcent that soothes and protects irritated and inflamed tissue. Its status as a “hot” oil, however, means it has the potential to burn if it isn’t diluted and applied properly. Packaging should include the common name (i.e. Dogs can consume oregano essential oil diluted in a capsule and in foods. There are some side effects that can stem from using oregano oil. Giving essential oils internally is not generally recommended. “It is the choice of seed, the nurturing during growth, the time of harvest and the proper distillation that creates a safe and useful essential oil.”. Below, we will take a look at the many benefits of oregano, and also how to use its oil to treat various illnesses and injuries in dogs. The discomfort and irritation of a urinary tract infection is very uncomfortable and painful for your dog.If you’ve ever had one yourself, then you know how uncomfortable these infections are. And they should never use these products without the guidance or consultation of a trusted veterinarian. Find the best oregano oils for dogs based on what customers said. “I’ve recommended to some experienced pet parents that they can try a drop of oregano essential oil on a toothpick to small skin growths to remove them, much like a variety of preparations on the market for removing warts.”. Dogs though, usually don't like the smell of oregano oil so most people have reported more success with adding a diluted amount of oregano oil (in a carrier oil like coconut) in a gel capsule. Oregano oil for dogs has a wide range of benefits. Similarly, you should not apply oregano oil to puppies under the age of 10 weeks. Late one night I discovered my 10 pound Yorkie dog had a UTI with blood in her urine. Oregano oil can be applied topically when mixed with a carrier oil such as coconut oil or olive oil or mixed with drink such as a coconut milk, milk or juice. All Rights Reserved 2021. In other words, if they carry 50 different types of oils, yet every 5ml bottle is $7.40, there is something wrong, and you can guarantee these oils have been adulterated in some way. The website The Whole Dog explains what makes oregano oil so effective: “Oregano contains an important ingredient know as Carvacrol which is like a natural phenol, a product used for the sterilization of surgical tools. Essential oils such as oregano oil work effectively in relieving from the symptoms of UTI. Although oregano oil is generally considered safe to use for most dogs, there are some dogs that should avoid this oil. Lavender Oil For Dogs – Usage, Safety, and Benefits for your Pup! Historically, the use of plants in medical treatment, including oregano, harkens back centuries. So before using oregano oil, you must first ask yourself, “is oregano oil good for dogs?” To answer this about several other essential oils might be a challenge, but not when it comes to oregano oil. Animals are more sensitive to essential oils than humans, so one much take extra precautions and really research the proper methods of dosage and administration of oregano oil before actually using it on pets. Essential oils of different kinds have a number of benefits and properties, of which some your dog can benefit from. It also helps pain thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties. And your dog should be monitored after administration for any ill effects. Escherichia coli, also known as E.coli, is the bacteria which is responsible for causing. According to Experience-Essential-Oils , most of the side effects associated with most essential oils stem from the fact that people choose to use perfume grade oils for therapeutic use or they fail to use the oil correctly. Depending on the size of your dog, adding a drop or two of oil of oregano in your dog’s food may provide defence against bacterial, viral and fungal infections, candida, water-borne illnesses and as a de-wormer. If your dog seems to present an abnormal behavior then he/she might be extra sensitive or allergic to oregano oil, or you may have used an improper dosage. Oregano oil is also used externally in its diluted form to help fight any skin infections such as yeast, ringworm, infected wounds, etc. These benefits have been the subject of further scientific exploration of oregano oil on a number of dog-related health issues. The quality of oregano oil for dogs and the way it is used can also determine whether or not the oil is safe for your dog. Oregano oil use should be stopped if your dog shows signs of distress affiliated with its use. Always try to introduce your pet slowly to an essential oil and make sure you give them rest periods from these oils as well. Oregano oil is also incredibly effective against food poisoning, stomach flu, candida infections, ringworm, eczema, sinus infections, nail fungus, acne, skin infections, insect bites, warts, allergies, and more. How To Give Your Dog Marshmallow For UTIs. Aside from writing, his other passions include travel, sports fandom, and spending time with his wife, daughter, and rescue dog, Wally. Reply: Oil of Oregano Cured my Inflamed Kidney. © 2021 Great Pet Media. Simply put, there are no studies showing that oil of … They should also always be properly shut or sealed after using. The first thing to turn to after getting UTI is oregano oil. Do they control the entire process from seed selection to bottling and labeling? From aiding your pet’s stomach problems, to treating intestinal parasites, and even helping rheumatism and arthritis, oregano is a great essential oil thanks to its versatility and it can help you and your dog fight any ailment without resorting to more harmful medicines. As with many conditions that impact humans, pet owners are often unaware that their dog has a urinary tract infection until they see blood in the urine and then the concern grows. Oregano oil serves as a great alternative to a plethora of medicines that can turn out to be more harmful and that can even result as inefficient in the face of growing resistant bacteria and viruses thanks to modern antibiotics. They are extremely concentrated and using them usually requires mixing a few drops with another carrier substance, like olive or coconut oil for instance. It helps reduce inflammation and creates a barrier between the lining of the urinary tract and harmful bacteria. This is why it’s very important to dilute the oregano oil properly with a pure carrier oil such as coconut oil, virgin olive oil, or almond oil before using it on your dog. As pet parents research oregano oil for dogs, they may also see the product referred to as “oil of oregano,” which means it has been diluted in a carrier dilution oil, like grapeseed oil, olive oil, or coconut oil.

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