
Naturally, you might feel bad about this, and returning to the shelter could be stressful for the cat (or dog) too. Just take a look at the video below and see how lovely these two can be. So their instinct is to chase and pin down anything that moves at pace. When introducing a puppy and a kitten, be sure to keep the kitten’s claws trimmed to avoid injury to your pup, whose eyes and nose are especially vulnerable. Fortunately, you now know how to do this after reading the blog post.The most important part is that you are now ready to have a quiet place, without any conflicts between your German shepherd and cats. Well, they can, sure, depending on the dogs. Its natural instinct is to herd, chase, and protect. Home - German Shepherd - Do German Shepherds Get Along With Cats? For the most part, German shepherds can get along well with cats or other dogs. To check that your cat is feeling calm and relaxed, make sure that its ears are facing forward and that its pupils are not too small or too enlarged. Wanting to adopt a German Shepherd and need to know if German Shepherd Dogs like cats or how do you introduce a German Shepherd to a cat in the house? Take a look first at your kitten’s body language. You can do this by keeping your cat inside of your house and your dog outside – using a patio door as the barrier. Be patient. Likewise, if your pup stays calm, he should be praised and rewarded with his favorite treats. I've owned and trained German Shepherds and a variety of other large and medium breed dogs for over 20 years now - Rottweilers, Dobermans, Pit Bull Terriers - just to name a few. While a Husky raised around other small dogs does fine, Huskies generally need training and careful monitoring if they are going to live with a feline friend. Or they may fear being placed into a new environment altogether. German shepherds are very smart and intelligent breeds that have a calm personality. German shepherds and cats can be perfect friends. Smaller, furry animals in the GSD household is likely to be subjected to “herding” and putting into their place on a regular basis. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to A range of factors can affect how well the introduction will go, including age, personality, previous experiences and even health. It’s important to allow your cat to naturally express itself in the way that it wants to. while generally speaking german shepherds are a nice breed, not every german shepherd is. They speculate that this may be because cats domesticate themselves quite early and easily. Just take a look at the video below and see how lovely these two can be. However, I did find one study from the Journal of Veterinary Behavior (1) that could offer some insight on how to handle the dynamic between dogs and cats living in the same home. Cats tend to be very cautious and reserved, especially in new situations and in new environments. If it wants to leave the room or go hide somewhere, just allow this to happen. 10. Or it could be with both pets in the room with your pup on a leash. 5. It’s as easy as letting your pup sniff the kitten’s toys a few times. The problem is that you’re not sure whether your German shepherd will be good with the cat or not because they are often portrayed as sworn enemies in the movies. When your pup starts to go after the kitten, you need to do whatever you can to distract his attention. Do this frequently, and give the animals treats during the process. If your puppy starts to chase the kitten, shout “No” to him and step on the leash. Your pup will also have the pleasant experience of eating outside the cat's door, associating the presence of the kitty with something good. Another speculation may be that because cats are smaller than dogs which makes them viewed as more vulnerable. My German just barks at the cat and the cat's like whatever because she's just a puppy. There is variation in the relationship between German Shepherds and cats and how well both can get along in one place. They may not mean any harm, but this can be quite scary and alarming to the animal being chased – even if the GSD is just having fun. On the other hand, this could also take months. the same can be said for any breed of dog. They can still share a household as long as you are willing to take the time and effort to blend the family. In general, Chihuahuas do get along with Yorkies. ). Pascaldreams says Yes: “Our cat and beagle are best friends. This basically means that the more your GSD has been exposed to other animals in the past, and the more positive interactions it has had with them, the more likely it will be that it gets along well with a cat. Keep this in mind when thinking of introducing your GSD to one. Feed your German shepherd pup on the other side of the door to the room so that he can smell the kitty and the two pets can interact safely. They … Preexisting behavioral problems like aggression, fear, or anxiety may be the cause, or perhaps it is another factor in your home that you are simply not aware of. This is possible, but it all lies on the way you introduce your german shepherd to your cat. For example, the Toy Group consists of breeds that are affectionate and sociable. A few cats fit directly into the normal saying “inquisitive as a feline.” They will have a characteristic interest in your canine and be eager to research their new partnership with no support. Before introducing your GSD puppy to your kitten, make sure you have taught your pup to “sit,” “stay,” and “leave it” on command. This means they are very likely to chase cats in their home, yard or neighborhood. Other cats are by nature shy and reserved. Unfortunately, it’s not uncommon for german shepherds to chase cats, and in some cases, they may even act aggressively. Often it takes a bit of work before everything is fun and games between a GSD and a cat. We are compensated for referring traffic and business to Amazon and other companies linked to on this site. As you continue to do this, you can allow your dog more leash little by little. But this is not a chance that you should take. This does not mean that a GSD will chase every cat every time, but it is important to be aware that this is an inherent characteristic of the German Shepherd. Your GSD should be able to sit and stay without any hesitation, every time. For the first couple of weeks, their safety is your utmost priority. Some hit it off right away and go together like Rocky and Bullwinkle. Cats are animals that German Shepherds, by nature and instinct, chase and run around; they can also physically harm them. Seriously, given how many households host both a dog and a cat, more research should be performed. Still, depending on the cat’s individual personality and behavior, your outcome may be different from other dog owners. From there the cloth needs to be rubbed on the scent glands of the animals. Due to the historical role that German Shepherds have been bred to do, they may have a hard time getting along with cats. Hsiaotei says Yes: “We have three beagles and three cats. 8. It’s also important here that you get an accurate gauge on how your cat is feeling. Conversely, if you have a  German shepherd who has been raised with a cat, he will most likely welcome the new cat with open paws. So, I think the older cat wouldn't want anything to do with the puppy but the younger ones would probably be upset at first (hide, run away) but they will warm up to the puppy eventually!! But before you decide to give up, there are a few other options that you may wish to explore. Some trainers recommend letting your pup get used to the kitten’s smell before a physical meetup, though I have never done this. link to Shock Collars On Rottweilers: The 11 Do’s And Dont's. German Shepherds are intelligent and tend to respond excellently to learning who to chase and who not. As your German Shepherd gets older its habits of being aggressive towards cats will be more pronounced and harder to change so it’s better to start when it’s still young. The GSD is a herding dog with prey drive. It's what makes this breed so special. Making sure that you do this properly is important to both your GSD and your cat’s long-term mental and physical well-being. It’s a tough question to answer, but if both of your pets are never able to live peacefully, you may need to consider returning your new cat (or dog) to the shelter or rescue group. When I was researching the topic, I found it wasn’t easy to find scientific information on how dogs and cats get along and what factors might influence their relationship. A cat with a timid personality is not going to be a good match for a German shepherd dog. So do Huskies get along with cats? 7. Often it takes a bit of work before everything is fun and games between a GSD and a cat. A few respondents even say that their pets’ relationship is close and well. Pay attention to whether your GSD gets aggressive or curious, and pay attention to whether your cat begins to act nervous or apprehensive. You don’t want to force either animal to smell the cloth, but instead, you should give them the option to approach the cloth and smell it if they choose to. Similarly, if the cat in question is a kitten at the time of introduction to a GSD puppy, it stand much less chance of being frightened or anxious. However, a German shepherd if properly trained will live with your cat without any problem. However, this is by no means always the case, and if done properly, most well-socialized GSDs will have no issues with a cat being introduced into its life. However, with the proper training and introduction, German Shepherds can and often do get along with cats very well. they are the same as humans in this respect. But with a bit of training and know-how, the two animals can peacefully coexist and even build loving relationships. Except now make sure that your GSD is leashed. Huskies have strong survival and predator instincts that make it difficult for them to get along with small animals, including cats. First, age seems to play a significant role in how well the relationship will work out. Adult dogs who aren’t raised with cats may see them as prey and will likely attack and chase them. If you are bringing a new cat into the home, make sure that the cat has space to settle in. Think of it this way – would you rather take part in the beginning of a positive relationship, or would you rather try and mend a damaged one? Negative prior experiences may cause your GSD to be nervous or scared around other animals, and they may be aggressive towards them as a matter of self-protection. Yes, German shepherds can absolutely be good with cats. You can show him his favorite toy or threat. However, this isn’t the case with every german shepherd. But if you expose a puppy to cats since the beginning since there born they will get alone but don't try and bring like a 3 year old German into a situation with cats because you might not know what will happen but please Consult a Professional if your attempting to do this. The steps you take now towards introducing your GSD and your cat will pay off in the long run. If you’re lucky, the introduction may need little or no assistance on your part. German Shepherds do, generally, get along with other dogs or animals so long as they grow up with them, or spend a great deal of time with them. How to Read a German Shepherd's Pedigree (In 9 Steps), How Often Should I Take My German Shepherd to The Groomer, Camping with German Shepherds: What You Need to Prepare, When Can German Shepherds Climb Stairs? And make sure that the room has all of the resources that the cat needs – like a litter box, food, water, and toys. All you need to do is have patience and teach them properly following certain advice and tricks. Never yell at your puppy if he lunges and tries to chase the kitten. You will also need to keep the scent constant. German Shepherds are very intelligent dogs but they naturally have an instinct to chase their prey and usually view cats as targets. The first interaction could be with your pup in his crate and your kitten in front of him. There are no specific rules to this in terms of the amount of time that you need to spend on any of the steps listed below. After you have done this, move on to doing the same thing inside your house – and with less of a barrier between the cat and the dog. Make sure your kitten has a safe place to flee if your pup attempts to chase her. 4. However, if you socialize your German shepherd properly from the time he is a puppy, he should have no problem behaving himself around your cats. However, you should be careful when introducing your German shepherd to the new cat, as friction can occur sometimes. While some German Shepherds naturally get along with cats, others may shy away from or even be aggressive towards them. Remember that cats are not as animated in their expressions as dogs are. Your animals can sense your energy, and if you stay patient and positive, your animals will emulate this. Remembering the individual canine and feline’s characters is significant in the event that you need your german shepherds and feline to get along. The answer is yes, but only if they are properly introduced. Myself, along with my team of highly experienced canine professionals, strive to bring you the best and most useful information to help you raise your dog the right way. Whether or not your GSD will get along well with a cat has a lot to do with how socialized it is. Regardless of whether or not you may think that your GSD will get along well with your cat, it is important for the physical and emotional safety of both animals that you make the introduction in a calculated and measured way. So in this post, I’ll explain in some detail the answer to the following question: Can German Shepherds get along with cats? As a general rule, a puppy will have an easier time being introduced to a cat than an adult dog and stands a better chance of getting along with it. “Clean” meaning that there is no prior scent from another animal on the cloth. Sometimes positive interaction between a cat and a GSD will not happen right away. (w/ Case Study). Having German Shepherds and cats living together is not impossible, but it will require a lot of planning, patience and careful monitoring to be successful. But when properly socialized, the German shepherd’s loyalty and protective nature to the pack will ensure they get along great with your cat. To train a German shepherd to like cats requires patience and dedication. A majority of pet owners surveyed say that their dogs and cats live amicably. It takes some time for a German shepherd puppy to learn how to deal with his new cat housemate. In general, the majority of Aussies do get along with cats. If you’re lucky, your cat and GSD might even end up becoming the best of friends. This lets the cat know that there is a place to retreat and thereby keeps its stress levels to a minimum. you can't base whether an animal will get along with another animal on their breed. They may even fear the introduction of any new animal into their environment. We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. Each situation will be different. Chihuahuas and Yorkies. It’s possible for German shepherds to get along with cats, or even other dogs, but this can only be done through training. This doesn’t mean that you should give up if the dog or cat is older. This may be its own room, like a spare bedroom. The next step in the progression of introducing your GSD to your cat is to give them some face time together. This gives both your cat and your dog a choice of whether or not to approach each other. And this may actually work. One of my German Shepherds naturally loved cats. This will allow it more freedom to interact with the cat while still maintaining control over it. What Is It Like to Have a Dog and a Cat Under One Roof? While some German Shepherds naturally get along with cats, others may shy away from or even be aggressive towards them. According to the Pet Products Manufacturers Association, a full 46 percent of dog owners own cats. Some German Shepherds are good with cats while others can be aggressive towards them. This will ensure that the scent of the other animal is fresh and constant. ! And your German Shepherd is a herding dog. And remember, be patient. This is very important, as you do not want to force an interaction because that may cause uneasiness and apprehension in one or both of them. Here are a few things you should consider before getting a cat companion, especially if you already have an adult German shepherd or adult cat. The intelligent and protective nature of German shepherds makes them easy to train, and you can easily make them get along with your house cat quickly and effortlessly. But keep in mind that the time it may take your cat and GSD to become familiar with one another. They can fight alongside police in one minute and quickly adapt to family home life the next. What You Need to Consider Before Getting a Cat, 10 Tips for Getting Your German Shepherd and Cat to be Friends, What If My German Shepherd Dog and Cat Never Get Along. You make progress by rewarding the dog for being calm around the cat, but for every time the dog is quiet there will be times when he growls or barks trying to get to the cat. Well, German Shepherd Dogs score out of 5 in the scale of dog breeds that are good with cats. Thank you Mohamed Ghrebi for your question about kittens and German Shephers. Take your GSD or your cat to a dog or cat trainer (respectively! Nature has it that a dog and a cat are enemies, and this is the reality of life. Certain breed groups are more likely to get along with cats than others. All the pets get along fine, though one of the cats takes months to adjust to a change where everyone else only takes a few days.” 7. If the introduction doesn’t go well at first, be patient, and stay positive. I have personally known two Miniature Schnauzers that had their backs broken when they attacked a German Shepherd. ONLY do this if you are confident that your GSD will remain calm and doesn’t pose a threat to the cat. If he ignores your attempt and keeps showing aggression toward the kitten, immediately tells him “no.” If he doesn’t back down, take the kitten away, leave, and then try again after a day or two. If she is not hissing or growling at the sight of your pup, reward her by allowing her to roam around freely. An amicable relationship in this context, as defined by the authors of the study, is living “with a friendly, mutual bond, which is recognizable through the use of affiliative behaviors, maintaining proximity and effective, non-aggressive communication between individuals.”. Especially since we live in an apartment. 6. German Shepherds are not as good with cats compared to other breeds such as Golden Retrievers. Yes, if the dog and kitten are properly introduced (google how to introduce dogs and cats) and socialized there should be no problem. Think of when you meet someone new – sometimes they just rub you the wrong way, so to speak. This is actually the most important part of the introduction process. Can a cat and German Shepherd get along? Well, the answer to that is that some German Shepherds may get along with cats naturally, while others may be aggressive towards them. Before even thinking about introducing your GSD to a cat, you need to make sure that it is adequately trained. Most importantly, your GSD needs to be calm for the introduction phase. This was my greatest concern when considering getting a puppy. However, with the proper training and introduction, German Shepherds can and often do get along with cats very well. Dogs and cats can be shy and stubborn just like people. every animal has a different personality, regardless of their breed. You then need to place each cloth in the other animal’s environment. It is perhaps not surprising if you’re also thinking of bringing a cat home. Do this repeatedly for a few days, about 5 or so minutes each time. Your GSD may need to be desensitized to the cat and counter-conditioned. It all depends on the German shepherd and cat in question. It’s not uncommon for a GSD to growl or even lunge at a cat when it is first introduced. But be patient and consistent and you stand every chance of success. As mentioned, sometimes a GSD and cat relationship will start out like old friends and stay that way. It is recorded that some German Shepherds do tend to be aggressive to dogs of the same gender. But how many times have these people ended up as good friends in the long run? It is only acting according to its natural instinct. In most of the respondents’ households, cats who were comfortable with dogs usually had been introduced to dogs from kittenhood. Please consult a licensed veterinarian in your area for pet medical advice. Remember that every dog is different, and the way that your dog reacts to a situation will have a lot to do with your attitude as his owner. This allows them to see each other and even have light contact, but it will avert the possibility of aggressive contact from either animal. So if you already have a puppy and want to bring a cat into your family, it would be best to get a kitten instead of an adult kitty and vice versa unless your adult dog has lived with cats successfully before. If the cat is adopted first, the chance of adapting to each other is higher. And most cats did not seem to take issue with him either. Second, it’s the cats who, in most cases, call the shots meaning they are the ones who are more likely to be uncomfortable around dogs than the other way around. A German shepherd who has a high prey drive or has been bred and worked as herding dogs will be unlikely to become a suitable companion for a cat. Like people, some cats are bold and some are timid. 9. The above lists of dogs that get along with cats and dogs that do not get along with cats, therefore, are not a black and white declaration, rather, they just simply list breeds of dogs that are more likely to chase and view cats as prey and dogs that are more ready to accept cats as a friend. This site is to be used for informational and educational purposes only. It is possible for German Shepherds to live with cats. However, this is not always the case. In addition it also requires a lot of effort on your part to make it a success. To begin this part of the process, gather one clean cloth for your GSD, and one for your cat. Shock Collars On Rottweilers: The 11 Do’s And Dont's. The best age to introduce a German shepherd to a cat is anywhere between two to three months old. German shepherds have strong prey chasing instincts that may make it difficult for them to not see your cat as a target worth chasing. Keeping the respective dog and cat’s personalities in mind is very important if you want your GSD and cat to get along. Never force a fur-against-fur interaction between them and always supervise all the interactions until you’re sure that both pets have befriended each other. These three basic commands will be helpful to keep your pup remains in place during their first meeting. The answer is Yes. I am not saying you can’t put dogs of these breeds together. Under no circumstances should you yell “BAD DOG!” or punish your dog in any way. Because of their size, a German Shepherd that is aggressive to cats can pose a serious danger to a cat. As individual personality differs from one Australian shepherd dog to another, many of them might not get along with cats. However, you should be careful when introducing your German shepherd to the new cat, as friction can occur sometimes. It depends. Their ability to … You may be tempted to just let your GSD and cat sort out their relationship for themselves. (Plus how to Build Your Own DIY Dog Stairs), Do German Shepherds Get Along With Cats? I've owned and trained German Shepherds and a variety of other large and medium breed dogs for over 20 years now: Rottweilers, Dobermans, Pit Bull Terriers - just to name a few. Should this be the case, it’s a good idea to speak with your veterinarian or a dog trainer on how best to approach addressing this issue. The earlier you train your German Shepherd to get along with your cat the easier it will be for you. Apart from the right temperament and proper socialization, it takes a good introduction for cats and dogs to be friendly with one another. A cat who exhibits more confident and aggressive behavior is going to pick a fight with any dog she sees. If you want to know how to properly introduce your German shepherd to the new cat, then keep on reading. Most importantly, don’t give up – be the example for your animals, their happiness is your gift! You can provide an area under your bed as a dog-free zone or build a tall cat tree with perches for the kitten to perch on. Doing this only makes the kitten worry even more about the pup. Do not attempt to prevent your kitten from running off, and do not go rush after her and coddle her too much. Thanks to their high intelligence levels, German Shepherds are smart enough to know when to be gentle and when they need to go on the defensive. The authors themselves are still unsure as to what causes this behavior. Both the german shepherd and the cat need the training to remain calm around the other animal. For others, it takes time to get used to one another. Each time this happens, give your dog a treat and gentle verbal praise. Take your GSD or your cat to an animal behaviorist. My husband Tony and I have two very spoiled cats – Kenji and Chester. Even if your GSD and cat are well-socialized animals, and you have taken the proper steps to introduce them to one another – problems can still occur. This gives your cat the freedom to leave the situation if it feels uncomfortable. German Shepherds are large, energetic, strong, intelligent, and often dominant and prey driven dogs. If you have any doubt that your cat is ready for this introduction, do not let your dog off of its leash. Overall, German Shepherds are typically worse with cats than most other breeds due to their strong prey drive. So, here is the question that you might be asking yourself over and over again: “Do German shepherds get along with cats?” For the most part, German shepherds can get along well with cats or other dogs.

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