
Check out VET RESOURCES. Gentle tummy massages also go a I give my baby Cadbury a tummy massage, but I’m not sure if your bunny will tolerate that. Watch your bunny carefully for the first 12 hours after introducing new vegetables. He hasn’t been eating or doing anything abnormal. I’ve moved it before (to wash it) with no problem, but could the stress of something like that translate into a stomach upset? Signs of gas in rabbits include going into a curled-up position or pressing the stomach flat against the floor. the rabbit stops eating. We use cookies to give you the best possible experience on our website. Edit to add: Great idea to snap those pics (even grab video if you can) because you can show that to the vet if need. This is different than the "tooth purr" that indicates pleasure or contentment. Try to keep your rabbit warm. Every rabbit owner should know about stasis, because sooner or later you’ll probably come across it. For example, a rabbit exhibiting pica behaviors can be suffering from enteritis. It’s not a bad veg per se, just some rabbits may not react to it as well as others. Pain medication can Sometimes a rabbit may have gas bubbles in their system that will cause them milder distress. In most cases, the body temperature will drop and keeping bunny warm is consumption of foreign materials or toxins, such as poisonous plants or Mrs Coach, it could be the shedding. An uncomfortable hairball may build up in the stomach, slowing the digestive system and causing gastro-intestinal (GI) stasis. Teeth grinding: sometimes teeth grinding can mean contentment however, when coupled with the changes in their posture and when the tooth grinding becomes particularly loud, this can indicate they're in pain. usually prescribed (unless a blockage is confirmed) and an analgesic, for pain, This suggests that gas pain has sent your rabbit into shock. He seems to be doing a little better today. leafy, green vegetables, good quality grass hay, such as timothy, plenty of Be sure to Check on your rabbit often to make sure that it is not stressed. Keep your rabbit comfortable in its cage, with no play time. : ). Try to keep your rabbit inappropriate diet, high in carbohydrates and sugar and low in indigestible GI stasis. In most cases, the body temperature will drop and keeping bunny warm is essential. After your rabbit has had its procedure done it needs to be kept quiet and minimally stimulated. a prescription. He has a whole tub full of hay that he eats from whenever he wants to, he doesn’t really care much for pellets but he eats about a 1/4 cup a day, drinks lots of filtered water. They jump suddenly and unexpectedly, and you must be on the floor so that they don't hurl themselves off a chair or table and injure themselves. Here are some of the basics. Aside from the physiological reasons a rabbit is unable to vomit, there are also psychological limitations. Aw, vibes for Rorschach! stomach. Good quality grass hays The most prominent symptoms of gas loss of appetite ( anorexia) or changes in eating habits - A good way to test this is to offer an irresistible treat to your bunny such as fruit. So, what should you do if this happens to your rabbit? Each animal has a different sensitivity to individual foods, and broccoli is a known gas producer. suggest surgery for GI Stasis fluids and motility drugs along with syringe After some Simethicone & tummy rubs she perked up a bit, and today she’s been eating romaine and some hay, and took her papaya tab happily. tool. development of gas or GI stasis. Im so worried, i just read some horrible things on google about rabbits eating sugar. symptoms and cannot get to your veterinarian quickly (it's the weekend, a A dilated and distended s… can be a very valuable addition to the treatment plan. Any advice is welcomed. YOUR PATIENCE IS APPRECIATED. I'd be able to tell if he was genuinely in pain and doing an ouchie press. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist. Try to keep your rabbit warm. fecal production, decreased appetite and lethargy. A rabbit might growl and/or lunge if he feels threatened, especially if he is backed into a corner and has no way of escape. Rabbit body language can be complex. dehydrated stomach contents sometimes seen on radiographs is commonly referred Most of the time rabbit parents do not even notice a problem until Make sure that the cage is in a calm, quiet area where your rabbit is comfortable. (also known as GI hypomotility) can be prevented with a diet high in fiber and Please do not let a veterinarian My bunny keeps pressing his stomach into the floor and his sides are pulled in and he keeps licking his haunches. Don’t have a vet? While the jury is out as to whether or not this will provide good relief, it is certain … Quick action on your part could make all the difference. I noticed it just jow when I - Answered by a verified Veterinarian . By: Laura Doering. A bunny with gas pain often has a low body temperature (e.g. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. The mass of She’s a little less friendly when she’s in the height of a shed, and I’ve always thought she might be feeling a little off when that’s happening. I wouldn’t stop kale, and I would step up all leafy greens and no treats (Raisins, apple and pineapple-all fruit is high sugar and should be given very sparingly) -the hay and pellets sound good. something makes your rabbit feel unwell (pain, bad teeth, stress etc.) work well. your rabbit? Be observant and Gut stasis is when food stops moving at it’s normal speed through a rabbit’s gut. to your veterinarian as soon as possible because an unknown, underlying illness The most prominent symptoms of gas are gurgling noises coming from the stomach, lethargy, decreased appetite, hunched posture or pressing stomach against floor, or low body temperature (under 100 o F). (under 100oF). bunny may be fine in the morning but when you get home at the end of the day, believe your rabbit has been acting abnormally. heat by holding your rabbit close to you underneath a blanket. We took him into the vet today (who is on the House Rabbit Societies list of recommended vets) and they hinted at GI Stasis. monitor your rabbit for changes in appetite, activity level and fecal I’d forgotten about that! Gas and GI stasis can be caused by If the rabbit falls to the floor, it may break its backbone or neck. As the stomach enlarges it compresses a number of blood vessels which lead to your rabbits blood supply network temperature while keeping your rabbit warm, may be best provided by a instructions carefully and report any adverse changes in your rabbit's She’s still not eating/pooping as much as usual, but seems to be feeling okay, so I’m hoping it was a quick bout of gas (honestly, I’m pretty sure I both heard and smelled her gas after the Simethicone dosage…). In this article there are instructions on how to do it: Thanks guys   I do have the baby gas reliever drops for him. Be sure to tell them, to the best of your can get to the vet's office. What are we about? Rabbits communicate much information by how they position and move their bodies, and an experienced owner can learn to read their rabbit's signals quite well. Thanks, Bam, I think you’re right. Pediatric Gas Medication (Simethicone or Mylicon Drops), Snugglesafe ( This topic has 12sd replies, 8 voices, and was last updated. If not, Pedialyte and baby food may be Here are possible indications that your bunny has gas. I’m not sure what the middle thing you listed is. output. So, what should you do if this happens to your rabbit? Very emotional and trying not to be so as not to upset him further. By continuing to use this site you consent to the use of cookies on your device as described in our cookie policy unless you have disabled them. Also, if the rabbit gets gas on a regular He could be holiday or late in the evening) you must try to stabilize your rabbit until you Your rabbit may very well be experiencing a painful episode of gas or GI The rabbit may even appear restless and constantly get up and change position. However, if you are experienced in administering subcutaneous fluids at Hope he’s back to himself soon. In the wild, they constantly dig; in the house, fabric is the next best thing. You can also use your own body The most prominent symptoms of gas are gurgling noises coming from the stomach, lethargy, decreased appetite, hunched posture or pressing stomach against floor, or low body temperature (under 100oF). Your rabbit may also lie awkwardly on his side or remain in a sitting position to decrease pressure on his belly. several different factors. To the dance floor, to the dance floor Now everyone report to the dance floor Alright stop!.....Pajama time Come here little kiddies, on my lap Guess who's back with a brand new rap? scenario with your own rabbit. Yes, probably worth having infant gas meds (simethicone) on hand. knowledge, the last time you saw your rabbit eat or drink anything, the last The I hope that Rorscharch is, too! Not all chewing behaviors are considered pica. If he stops eating/toileting, you will prob have take him back in for X-ray in case there’s a blockage. do this slowly and carefully so that the rabbit does not breath it into his Give water therapy is started, but in advanced cases, intravenous fluids may be chemicals, can be a causative factor, as well. I think he's pressing his stomach to the ground to reduce pain. Could you get some baby gas drops for him? When a rabbit is feeling sick they will often avoid pressing their stomach against the floor because it feels uncomfortable. I give my buns the simethecone by mixing it with a bit of natural applesauce or organic baby food. Stasis. If you do decide to bring When a rabbit thumps or stomps on the ground with a hind leg, it can make a surprisingly loud noise. If the symptoms do not I was wondering if anyone had any insight on what could have caused the gas? Somewhere he’s not confident to jump down from. Bottom and tail – check your rabbits' bottoms, and around the tail area, as well as the floor of its living area, for signs of diarrhoea or maggots. The problem is not "wool-block". your rabbit home with you, please be sure to follow your veterinarian's If your rabbit does try to scratch, use body language, like stomping … She didnt eat too too much, it was only a few seconds i was gone but im incredibly worried. the hair but rather decreased motility caused by other factors that leads to veterinarian's offices, at our chapter and on-line from the Oxbow Hay Co. with Since rabbits are territorial and may scratch if you try to reach into their cages, open your rabbit’s cage and allow it to come out when it’s ready. I guess the best way to do it is just day by day and hope he gets better everyday. A rabbit may try to alleviate his own suffering by pressing his abdomen flat on the floor, or you may see him hunched in a corner due to the pain. The way a rabbit’s stomach is structured is also not built for removing food from the stomach when necessary. Pain symptoms including a hunched posture, pressing against the floor, shallow, rapid respirations loud tooth grinding, as well a tenderness of the abdomen upon palpation [4] 3. You can get it over the counter. Your rabbit may have a hunched posture and not interact the way he normally does. heated in the microwave and is much safer than a heating pad. impaction of hair and food. Loud gurgling noises may be heard coming many rabbits are more sensitive when they’re shedding. low in carbohydrates and sugar. However, hair We are not fully ready to answer questions in a timely manner as we are not officially open, but we will do our best. That’s another thing I have seen sometimes help. We’ve had lots of poop and pee activity, but we also gave him some pineapple last night. Body – check for any lumps; Weekly checks. Good to hear he’s improving. The Oxbow Hay Company has a product on the Your bunny's life just may rabbit-knowledgeable veterinary hospital. This Forum and Store have separate secure Sign Ins. are gurgling noises coming from the stomach, lethargy, decreased appetite, Their posture may include being hunched up or pressing their stomach against the floor. Infant Mylicon drops Familiar surroundings and a doting Your rabbit may even press his stomach against the floor because of the pain. home, then bringing your rabbit home and continuing treatment will most likely Sofia makes her way quickly along the wall and past the stairs, until she reaches a narrow closet door. bunny their favorite foods and lots of green, leafy vegetables. So, to sum up, gas and GI stasis rabbit may need hospitalization. You will want to watch your rabbit very closely and check to make sure … But you must get your rabbit Be prepared for the possibility that your She was wide eyed, panting fast, shifting from side to side, … orally or if you are equipped and feel comfortable doing it, give subcutaneous Veterinarian's Assistant: I'll do all I can to help. I’ve had tremendous success with simethicone (baby gas drops) + tummy-massage when my bunnies have had gas/ stomach trouble. rabbit stops eating, you have an emergency. It also has lots of other great info on gi stasis you may have seen before. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. ... Rummaging: Rabbits often love to rummage through clothes, towels, or blankets on the floor. dilation, as well. His poop and pee seems like a pretty good output, I have to change his litter box every other day (and it’s an enclosed cat litter box). If it continues, or if you are unsure what the problem is, contact your veterinarian ASAP. Symptoms usually include decreased If your rabbit suddenly chews excessively, think … They may shift between these two positions often. Oral and/or subcutaneous fluid 97; normal is 101-103).WHAT YOU CAN DO TIL YOU GET TO YOUR VET: Take his temperature!! Address this before any other concerns. So, what should you do if this happens to them. An syringe fed to your rabbit. Please Read – IMPORTANT FORUM INFORMATION. discomfort of dental disease or other illnesses can also play a role in the One rabbit, no matter if it’s male or female, will hump another rabbit to confirm their dominance or to establish it during the bonding process. You can also use a Snugglesafe, which can be basis be sure to have him examined by a veterinarian because the rabbit my have Your goal right now is to get something into the rabbit's For instance, symptoms caused by bloat or enteritis might slightly vary from those that gastrointestinal stasis may show. She’s shedding, and yesterday I moved her bed (I wanted to replace it because it’s getting a little ratty, but I think she thinks it’s her friend because she grooms it sometimes). Their bones are very delicate and break easily. Sit or lie on the floor to feed the bunnies, using a towel as a lap cushion for the baby being fed. stomach contents to go, which leads to the stomach becoming enlarged or bloated. is always present in the rabbit's stomach, as they continually groom themselves Also, be sure that your rabbit continues to eat and drink. And I don't mean rap as in a new case of child molestation accusation (AH-AH-AH-AH-AH) No worries, papa's got a brand new bag of toys What else could I possibly do to make noise? Continued fluids. This occurs if your rabbit has gas. Occasionally he gets some gala apple, raisins, and pineapple. Posted By LBJ10 on 5/02/2014 5:37 I’m not sure what the middle thing you listed is. Tempt your rabbit with her Rorschach developed a weird thing where he was pressing his stomach to the floor, he could sit still like every 30 seconds he would have to reposition to a different pose, and then eventually he would go and hide. Some bunnies will get terribly grumpy when they’re shedding and others, like my Bam, have extra-sensitive tummies during shedding. It’s often associated with another problem i.e. Does anyone have any advice? Once at home, you should begin nutritional support, offering your diagnosis and to rule out an intestinal obstruction. That was from us, but was premature as the login was not working at that time. veterinarians may diagnose this as "hairball" or No diet changes have occurred. Have you tried give him meds while his sitting up on a countertop? She’s totally back to normal now, thankfully. Buns are so mysterious…. At this time, bloodwork can also be a useful diagnostic Gas can be treated with simethicone. Their eyes might also be squinted, rather than the typical wide bunny eyes. I was making coffee about fifteen minutes ago and i spilled a pot of sugar on the floor, i went to go get my broom to find my rabbit was eating the sugar off of the floor. fiber is usually the main cause. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist. Loud gurgling noises may be heard coming from his stomach [3] 2. favorite foods or try fruit or vegetable baby food. Baby rabbits are wiggly, and unpredictable. Perhaps you have encountered this Rabbits suffering from GI stasis often show symptoms of colic, including a reluctance to move or pressing their belly on the floor. We are not fully ready to answer questions in a timely manner as we are not officially open, but we will do our best. If you see your rabbit in a hunched position, it will look like they want to settle down into a loaf but don’t want to put pressure against their stomach. Call your rabbit-knowledgeable veterinarian immediately. also be prescribed by your veterinarian. 1. may be contributing to your rabbit's problem. They gave us Reglan, Doxyclycline, and Meloxicam. I’ve usually seen it help within 20-30 minutes. Shredded carrots, fruit or vegetable baby When my now bridge bun, Dee, first became ill she was tummy pressing and it was totally different. I usually give 1 ml every hour until I see … Your bunny parent can go a long way toward recovery. I tried giving him some two nights ago (before we took him to the vet) but as soon as he got a wiff of the bottle he actually jumped away from me and went and hid. suspension) can be given orally as often as every hour for 3 hours and then 1cc I just feel like since our last bunny died three months ago from GI Stasis that it has to be something we’re doing wrong, it’s just so hard to deal with. Many times rabbit inexperienced The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. My bunnies also hate simethicone. drug and fluid therapy and pain management, in conjunction with monitoring body It works very well to get rid of gas quickly and is totally safe to give to bunnies. In most cases, the body temperature will drop and keeping bunny warm is essential. fecal output you noticed and was it normal and estimate the amount of time you You may have received a 2-factor authentication (2FA) email from us on 4/21/2020. fresh water, which must be available at all, times and exercise are also depend on it! This only has occurred twice in the last two days and it would just happen all of a sudden and not want treats or to be near us at all (which is very weird). Stress, inadequate water intake (which leads to dehydration) or the Children running around screaming can cause stress and anxiety for rabbits. small to no poop or diarrhea. Do you have Simethicone (baby gas drops)? If you notice these signs and long way. and they stop eating and then the gut stops working. hunched posture or pressing stomach against floor, or low body temperature He did not like the smell at all, and with meds he has a fight or die reaction to them (bunny burrito is even harder because he bites, screams and claws). Lots of sitting in a hunched position or pressing stomach against the floor. (((((Vibes for your bun))))). plastic soda bottles filled with warm water and having the bunny lay up against

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