
10. I am new to the company, and she has been here for more than 10 years. Sometimes your coworkers may have a genuine gripe against you. I’m not saying it’s a good idea to broadcast your earnings but worrying about alienating your so-called “friends” is not a reason to withhold that information. Keep your work life separate by attending only the company-sanctioned (and expected) events, such as the annual Christmas party or awards dinner. And worrying about what kind of information you share based on the actions of an idiot is also foolish. Well, they’re not going to let that slide. If you think that there has been some misunderstanding and your colleague didn’t intend to degrade you, you can choose to let the whole situation go and not address it, or speak with them anyway. As a result, your colleagues pick up your vibe and become less inclined to include you in future events. Do you feel respected? Meet with your boss. Instead, ask yourself: Are your ideas heard? It’s mean and unfair. I’m not suggesting you put up with a cliquey environment or allow yourself to be bullied by your co-workers. Instead of going along with it, they defend you. While you don’t want to be branded as antisocial, do your best to explain to coworkers that you value your family … It’s inevitable—at almost any workplace you will run into “problem” coworkers. I’m simply saying that if everything else lines up, maybe it doesn’t matter if you don’t have a ton of friends at work. Sorry to put down your friend (I’m not, really), but this guy is an idiot. Men get attracted to, annoyed with, and competitive with their female counterparts at work… just like they do with females outside of the workplace. This can put a major damper on your morale at work. #13 They defend you at work. The truth is, the data is not all that surprising. Maybe you made a mistake at work, or another co-worker has been spreading rumors behind your back. And, if you’ve ever wondered if men and women can just be platonic friends, buckle your … "Practicing the fine art of not giving a s--t about people who mistreat you," he writes, "can save your sanity, shield your physical health and keep you from hurting the people you love." I have a co-worker with whom every interaction can best be described as running your body up against sandpaper. Say nothing to your coworkers when you break the rules at work — for instance, taking a sick day when you are not actually sick — or it will inevitably come back to bite you. Some of these types of problematic coworkers include the negative coworker, the overly competitive co-worker, the gossip, the bully, and the person who pushes off work. However, people are often ostracized at work for foolish reasons–their coworkers are bored and decide to fill their time by picking on someone for no reason at all. But if your co-worker asks you questions about your relationship status, etc., then it’s a sign they’re scoping you out. Then your coworkers might not want to spend their time in or out of work with you. Now that you’ve researched and evaluated the situation, you can decide if your co-worker is actually two-faced.

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