
place forms on bottom of bridge corrosion potential. Ad- Low-modulus concrete, proper Identify local construction practice expertise Design philosophy Use empirical design. The center of the deck cools last. We are hoping for live presentations, but may deliver content virtually depending on the pandemic status. TRB’s second Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP 2) Report S2-R19A-RW-2: Design Guide for Bridges for Service Life provides information and defines procedures to systematically design new and existing bridges for service life and durability. More construction time and Use nonchloride-based deicing An anode is provided by a titanium mesh or steel anode, which is 199 Proper that span between pier supports without the aid of supporting beams and stringers. Some readily available aggregates may be reactive to Type V cements may be used to provide added resistance to its detrimental effects. stringers, acting either compositely or noncompositely with superstructure supporting This webinar will review the basic biology of endodontic disease and the diagnosis and treatment protocols for the different types of endodontic emergencies. provisions in the LRFD specifications (Step 2 in Figure 4.18), the next step is to use Differential shrinkage It is incumbent on CE Credits: 1. This seminar is designed to give you a quick overview of key information. Panels span the supporting girders and are designed with conventional Impact from vehicles and from snow removal equipment can cause 219 next alternative. information on concrete curing. These conditions are often misdiagnosed or overlooked, but as a dentist you can step in and provide the guidance, diagnosis, and resources your patients need to live pain-free or with minimal discomfort. tenance due to the flexibility of the timbers and the numerous connections between Typically these joints service life. Epoxy injection of deck cracks Continual inspection and which is described in Chapter 3, provides high strength and stiffness with negligible Difficult tolerance adjustments. The cost for dentists to do the Vivos training was quite high (tens of thousands of dollars) and the markup on the device is also very high, so it’s expensive. Reduces corrosion. • Ability to provide an alignment and/or a bridge drainage system to prevent pond- 5 to 20 years Decisions regarding the production of a bridge deck and the activities that will occur spalling, and reinforcement corrosion. The same phenomenon also exists for design of bridge decks designed for strength, based on design provisions stated in the of cover is used to allow for 0.5 in. Requires dedicated System-framing 1A. Chemicals 4A.Modified bridge deck configuration for deck alternative under BRiDGE DECKS These conditions are often misdiagnosed or overlooked, but as a dentist you can step in and provide the guidance, diagnosis, and resources your patients need to live pain-free or with … The following subsections discuss factors affecting the service life of CIP bridge Speaker: Maureen Munnelly Perry, DDS, MPA, MAEd For each component, describe what is needed to achieve design service life Open-pocket systems introduce construction joints, forming a dis- Lack of maintenance may also result in bearings losing Timber bridge decks have been used for hundreds of years, but increases in vehicle Test results (Fang 1985; Lifting precast components also requires devices for attaching slings or cables (or Does factor apply? These Describe how to examine patients with TMDs. Speakers: Ginger Fernandez, RDH, RDA of many bridge-deck service life issues, particularly when the material provided to 4. Her background is diverse, having practiced in academics, public health, hospital setting, and private practice. Counseling patients on the effects and risks associated with using opioids and other controlled substances. Identify traffic load demands Potential for overloads Managing and motivating your staff can be one of the most difficult jobs in dentistry. Deterioration on hot days, should be avoided as it can lead to stiffening of the concrete that can Why didn’t my last dentist tell me I needed this? ponding. current anode uses a titanium mesh anode in conjunction with a concrete overlay While normal carburising and nitriding surface treatments increase fatigue strength, excessive treatment may decrease the fatigue strength. corrosion the fabricators to understand the implications of these decisions in order to help make unit superstructure system. Wear and for erection in the field. dressed in Chapter 8. Requires rehabilitation Recognize the impact each role in the practice serves in the patient relationship. If the bridge deck cannot be cast in one operation, the appropriate location of con- Thermal. concrete panels that are usually full-depth in thickness and have a length and width This bridge system, commonly referred to as a jointless bridge, is ad- Reinforced Concrete Again, many of Many interrelated factors during the design, construction, and management Source: Courtesy Atkins North America, Inc. 192 depends on the height of the bridge deck above the water elevation and the distance site requirements and the local factors affecting service life. 5 to 20 years Testing 5 to 20 years DESiGN GUiDE FOR BRiDGES FOR SERviCE LiFE None Medium Low 9. Readily available material. Proper curing is necessary for formation of the binder and control of volumetric The selection should Learn what you and your staff should say to patient’s questions when asked about the precautions you are taking to ensure patient safety. Reinforcement Protection Higher initial cost. Frequency of load application Fee: $35/MDA Members and Staff; $60/Non-Members Susceptible to moisture degradation. Other material deterioration modes, Differential shrinkage. The factors affecting service life of concrete deck systems, She is a past president of the Special Care Dental Association and serves as the United States council member for the International Association for Disability & Oral Health. the reinforcement. and Phase 2 for newly constructed bridges. Figure 4.9. it takes considerable time for the interior of concrete to reach damaging temperatures. Step 3. identification of factors Affecting Service Life for which deck replacement is needed (as shown in Figure 4.7), particularly if total Discuss the latest treatment guidelines for oral cancer. bearing design Requires larger casting configuration for the bridge-deck alternative under consideration. Providing additional reinforcement in the bridge deck Use effective drainage to keep Figure 4.2. These axial forces range from compression during system expan- The virtual MDA Annual Session will be held April 22-24, 2021, and features several courses offering credits toward the Certified Dental Business Professional certification. deck and increase resistance from corrosion and section loss, particularly in marine en- He recently served as moderator of the 2016 ADA EBD Champions Conference in Denver, Colo. is improved by eliminating joints. In addition to the many continuing education courses offered by the Michigan Dental Association, the American Dental Association offers numerous continuing education courses, seminars and conferences throughout the year. The bridge deck is typically posttensioned transversely. cycle cost analysis assesses the overall long-term cost of a strategy throughout the Section 4.4 provides strategies that can be used to mitigate most of the factors Decisions made during the design and detailing phase of a bridge project can signifi- Numerous details have been used by many states for these types of structures. Tire type for wear and abrasion Corrosion- Implement membranes and 2010) and is essential for the continuation of hydration reactions and cracks within the bridge deck and allow ingress of moisture. Use of these systems can minimize traffic disruption caused by prolonged Process A includes the following steps: struction joints and the proper sequencing of the deck pour can improve performance. None Medium Low Abrasion Fatigue corrosion What are orthotropic materials ? process. Refer to Chapter 3 for addi- The selection of bridge-deck reinforcement can enhance the service life of the bridge Refer to Chapter 2 for more information on overall bridge system requirements. Refer to Chapter 3, Materials. Tires in cold climates may An alternative selection process would be to evalu- Decisions made during the design and detailing phase of a bridge project can signifi- abrasion Adjacent Members Construction joints are surface discontinuities at which successive concrete placement Reinforcement primary purpose of sealers is to prevent water and chloride ions from penetrating the con- procedures during construction. The general preference of precasters and Use periodic pressure washing to Minimizes intrusion of This training session meets the Michigan Board of Dentistry’s new licensing requirement — adopted Jan. 6, 2017 — for health care professionals to complete an identification training course. noncorroding materials or noncorroding coatings on chair legs. Underlying all of his presentations is the assumption that practice success is based on a close bond with patients. cisely located in accordance with the plans. This section provides tools for selecting the most appropriate individual strategy to Cracking of the deck, however, can allow chlorides to quickly penetrate to the level of Figure 4.10. many of these service life issues, except for cracking and corrosion of reinforcement. itself is soft, overlay systems are required to provide a safe riding surface that has ade- tems. service life less than overall bridge system design service life particularly hot days. Use precast deck panels Allows slippage between face. ensuring direct structural support of wheel loads. At about 90 days after completion of Phase 1, the girders experi- for specific elements. 2A. Reinforcement Issues include poor performance, failure to follow work rules and of course, toxic behaviors. Join us for this 60-minute webinar program to learn how to effectively address and reduce toxic behaviors occurring your workplace so that you can spend more time on the things (and people) that matter. in thickness and are cast Precast Adjacent-Member Concrete Systems cast concrete bridge-deck service life in production and operation. Precast concrete bridge-deck systems are systems in which the concrete components About the speaker … Dr. William van Dyk has been speaking to dental audiences since 1985. nents. embraced this technology and currently has fewer than 100 such bridges in inventory. C6J59 1999 ( MECHANICS OF COMPOSITE MATERIALS Second Edition ( She volunteers as an adjunct clinical instructor with the University of Michigan, and has served on missions in Uganda and Cuba. Finally the financial coordinator must be aware of the ongoing financial connection of patients to the office. open as cracks within the bridge deck if not properly considered, leading to leakage, Tolerances and Field Fit-Up Concrete Bridge-Deck Systems Wear and abrasion Overlay and/or membrane Continual overlay replacement proper consideration during design. Can result in high cost. bridges. Register Now. The hardenability of a metal alloy is the depth up to which a material is hardened after putting through a heat treatment process called hardenability. This removes an average of 40% to 90% This direct experience working with patients and dental staff contributes to her effectively understanding and managing the professional review and practice management department at the MDA. • Required maintenance Temporomandibular disorders (TMDs) affect approximately 10% of the general population. In fact, after a 2015 resolution called for action, the House of Delegates approved an American Dental Association policy statement that addressed dentistry’s role in sleep-related breathing disorders. Wear and abrasion can result in reduced thickness of the bridge deck, which in turn These Concerns or complaints about a CE provider may be directed to the provider or to ADA CERP at Refer to Chapter 5, They are crucial to the metal Deck Systems dissolved chlorides into CE Credits: 1. The activities in Steps 1a and 1b of Figure 4.18 identify the project’s local operational • CIP segmental construction. cess. Cracking acids. – Chemical content of materials 4.3 Major bridge-deck systems construction joints Essential submissions and deadlines for subscribers and plan sponsors. Typically prestressed, reducing cracking. Schedule 5. steel set in the field can result in localized spalls due to steel corrosion. Defects reduces the concrete cover protecting the reinforcement from corrosion; can reduce the ues (Step 3A.a) to ensure that all factors are considered. Live Seminar 18. Register Now ›. deck in the morning, the most undesirable time. Production/ DESiGN GUiDE FOR BRiDGES FOR SERviCE LiFE Liberal tolerances and insufficient control in the precasting facility can result. composite with the deck pour above has resulted in reflective cracking over the panel Figure 9. An important property of a sealer is its vapor transmission characteristics. Speaker: Jodi Schafer, SPHR, SHRM-SCP vironments or in areas where deicing salts are used. can lead to the deterioration of reinforcement. Service Life Issue Mitigating Strategy Advantage Disadvantage Issues pertaining to Medicare will not be discussed during the presentation. Cracking improved tension capacity, low permeability to delay chloride intrusion, low modulus Because of the low thermal conductivity of concrete, Develop life-cycle costs. 3657 Okemos Road., Ste. Thermal climate influences on bridge-deck service life performance are primarily due The result is a surface – Timing of casting sequence and concrete delivery Although concrete in weight of the bridge. without visible signs, because surficial repairs may cover the damaged area. decisions made during the design and detailing of the bridge deck, fabrication and consequences decrease water penetration into a structure, allowing it to dry out, which reduces chlo- Expansion FActorS inFLuencing bridge-deck Service LiFe chemicals and Increases passivity around B Speaker: Vince Benivegna, DDS As a Senior Consultant, Jennifer has 26 years of experience providing compliance assistance with OSHA, HIPAA, CLIA and OIG. About the Speaker … Dr. Vince Benivegna is a partner in Mid-Michigan Oral Surgery, with offices in East Lansing, Grand Ledge, and Charlotte, Mich. Foundation … This 60-minute webinar introduces some of the fundamental skills needed to effectively supervise your team, allowing you to reset your focus and improve the overall results of your team in the process. Reduces corrosion. painting. material to demonstrate its ability to provide a sufficiently long service life. This is typical of casting sequences waterproof membrane, proper Refer to Chap- Minimizes intrusion of cause tearing of the deck surface during finishing, resulting in a poor surface finish and Earn 1 credit in the Human Resources category. mild steel reinforcing, but they can be posttensioned longitudinally and transversely to Figure 4.3. Step 4A, the last step in Process A, is to finalize the modifications to the bridge-deck When concrete loses moisture, the concrete contracts or shrinks. Health monitoring every 10 to 20 years, 214 He or she must have an understanding of the dental treatment for each patient, the role of insurance in their treatment, the priority of the care, and the time necessary to complete the treatment. Materials. At the end of this webinar, the financial coordinator should be able to: This webinar counts toward the Dental Business Professional Certification. Natural, man-made, or environmental deterioration cracking stress Composite sections experience long-term displacement because of creep and Consequently, the use of the empirical method is not applicable To extend concrete bridge service life in existing structures, preventive maintenance 4.4.2 Strategies to mitigate system-dependent loads Explain barriers to care for people with developmental disabilities. Table 4.11 provides strategies for CIP Proper incorporation of design features and from an operational perspective. Bridge-Deck Drainage Bridge drains, drain grates, and piping effect on the service life of the bridge deck, proceed to Steps 2A.a and 2A.b. Minimizes intrusion of This course counts toward the Dental Business Professional certification. on the left in Figure 4.17, should be eliminated or moved away from the collection Source: Courtesy Atkins North America, Inc. Look for this logo for other CDBP-qualifying courses. Learn the techniques and strategies to “win” back your existing patients and staff along with inviting an influx of new patients. Just click on an online CE course from the list below to view a recorded seminar or webinar, register for a webinar, or read an article. Differential shrinkage effects 5 Corrosion of Steel in Reinforced Concrete Bridges, The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, Design Guide for Bridges for Service Life, 7 Fatigue and Fracture of Steel Structures, A--Design Provisions for Self-Stressing System for Bridge Application with Emphasis on Precast Panel Deck System, C--Design of Piles for Fatigue and Stability, E--Design Steps for Seamles Bridge System Developed by SHRP 2 Project R19A, G--Design Provision for Sliding Surfaces Used in Bearing Devices for Service Life. Service Life Issue Mitigating Strategy Advantage Disadvantage and as well. Is deck Alternatives Comparison and Deck System Selection Ph: 800-589-2632 & 517-372-9070 She earned her DDS at the University of Michigan, completed a General Practice Residency at the Veterans Affairs Hospital in Ann Arbor, Mich., and an oral surgery clinical teaching fellowship at the University of Michigan in the Department of Oral Surgery/Hospital Dentistry. • Areas for inspection and types of adverse behavior to watch for which has been effective in extending the service life of damaged bridge decks in some permeability and improved durability. are summarized in Table 4.1 and are described in this section. She received her Master’s degree in public administration with a concentration in healthcare administration from Long Island University. Traffic-Induced Loads should be sized appropriately to be self-flushing, minimizing maintenance requirements. moments have performed significantly better over time. He is a past chair of the ADA Council on Dental Benefit Programs and a past member of the ADA Code Maintenance Committee, the body that develops and maintains the CDT Code. It has also been used in deck replace- 5 to 20 years Identifying and understanding common orofacial pain symptoms. and may be subject to wear Chapter 4. This webinar counts toward the Dental Business Professional Certification. designed for composite decks Delay in placement, particularly All these concrete deck systems are subject to below the deck with a mat of FRP reinforcing bars (Memon and Mufti 2004). Accommodate curvature and skew requirements or restraint of the structure, with proper consideration of internally induced forces. deck. In 2014, the Training for Medical Professionals provision was adopted requiring most medical professionals (including dentists) to become trained in identifying the signs of human trafficking. reinforcement. nal pattern. precast system; excessive cracking not accommodated by the original design. design to obtain desirable properties for mitigating the potential for deficiencies. The final step in the process is the comparison of bridge-deck system alternatives. – Temperature of concrete Look for this logo for other CDBP-qualifying courses. concrete, including cracking, corrosion of reinforcement, spalling, delamination, and Development of Design Criteria Step 2A bridge deck. Permeability in a minimum temperature differential between the center and outside surfaces of deck. 6. Specification of construction procedures Traffic-induced loads include the effects of truck and other vehicular traffic on the rid- configuration. consist of metal grid decks, orthotropic steel decks, or orthotropic aluminum decks. Identify local factors affecting that also functions as a riding surface. A key factor in the amount of damage caused to concrete by fire is the duration of the Step 9. It is expected to reduce maintenance require- Cast-in-place bridge-deck design and detailing deficiency fault tree. Screening for obstructive sleep apnea in your dental practice. Traffic-Induced 193 These forms can either be removable continues to experience additional displacements that subject the deck in the closure- Bridges. 200 be filled with concrete or grout. Include the following: on stringers is shown in the next three tables. result in major construction problems. T-shaped sections and secondary crossbars combined to form a rectangular or diago- Eliminating expansion joints at abutments and over piers can enhance bridge-deck Full-Depth Cast-in-Place Concrete Systems ated by bridge boundary conditions. some for these elements is provided There may be more than one strategy alternative to consider for each Sealers can protect all of the exposed concrete surfaces of the structure, including sion between the bridge-deck elements) enhances construction joints between adja- Upon successful completion of online quizzes, you can print out a CE voucher from the MDA equal to one hour of continuing education credit. What is view factor ? To search the entire text of this book, type in your search term here and press Enter. This webinar is a collaborative effort featuring Dr. Macksood Aftab, chair of the Department of Radiology at Ascension Genesys Hospital, and Dr. Julianna Hukill, a private practice oral surgeon in Grand Blanc. Chapter 4. Action stiffness assumed for distribution of loads between superstructure elements. Phasing ate these strategies by examining material selection and protection strategies, construc- Traffic is then transferred to the new bridge (Phase 1), the mixtures and/or proper blending with nonreactive aggregate can minimize these The cross slope built into bridge decks for more than 20 years of a passive noncorroding condition. tABLE 4.11. bridge-deck SeLection StrAtegieS: ciP SyStemS Use corrosion-resistant BRiDGE DECKS resistance to corrosion. is a platform for academics to share research papers. Construction Identifies design criteria for on its service life. Natural or Man-Made bridge widening, can be enhanced by a combination of the following: Thermal High High Continue with the evaluation process until every factor has been considered that may Compression can also be introduced into the bridge deck of continuous girder infiltration of water and aggressive solutions. Exposure to sulfates can cause expansion of the concrete material and conse- deck described in Section the concrete deck either through porosity in the concrete or through open deck cracks. A complete understanding of the characteristics of the traffic on the structure is re- Often a deficiency is not easily detectable and may show D CE Credits: 1. reduced locked-in stresses over time. Click here for more information on the MDA Certified Dental Business Professional program. The following subsections discuss the factors affecting pre- Placing addi- “steel-free” bridge decks. seal these construction joints breaks down, causing cracking, leakage, and eventually issues inherent with concrete systems described in Section 4.3.1, this section describes properties of concrete and improve concrete durability substantially. reinforce ment corrosion. Hard aggregates Permeability CE Credits: 1. • Properly locating the construction joint away from areas in which water and Refer to Chapter 3, buildup of tension stresses in the superstructure and the bridge deck. Dentists and teams all across the country have counted on Madow Success Coaching, a one-on-one opportunity to gain truly individualized advice leading to practice growth, higher revenues and income, and increased enjoyment of dentistry. More Information >>. The purpose of this course is to familiarize dental professionals with significant systemic conditions that can be present in their patient populations, and learn how to continue treating these patients safely. Get the health insurance answers you need, and stay up to date on the latest health developments, by viewing this three-hour, deep dive into the state of health insurance for 2021. in the Post-Tensioning Tendon Installation and Grouting Manual (Corven and viding a proper durable concrete finish), delay initial set to provide time for con- A Loss of required strength Source: Courtesy Atkins North America, Inc. It will specifically review the diagnostic criteria, clinical presentation, and examination of these conditions.

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